FlickrFan launches

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Dave Winer, major developer of blogging, rss, and podcasting, just released FlickrFan for the Mac.

ReadWriteWeb explains what it does.

FlickrFan is basically a screen saver program that will display high-resolution images from any Flickr account, recent Associated Press photos or any other RSS feed with media enclosures (so Flickr tag streams or Photobucket feeds should be no problem). Presumably this is only the beginning. The software is run off of Winer’s all-too-unwieldy OPML Editor, but FlickrFan looks much easier to use.

Users can easily schedule downloads of their photos, to back up their Flickr accounts locally for example, they can drag and drop photos to a desktop folder for upload to a Flickr account, there’s link sharing via Twitter and a shared-photos feed for every user.

The real power comes when you hook up a MacMini to your HDTV, says Scoble. A browser on your TV and your photos too.

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